Consistency is always a vital branding priority, whether a business or a person. The word used in this sentence may be confusing, so to ensure that you fully grasp the concept, let’s go back and look at the word “branding.” Branding is a marketing strategy that involves three key components:
1) Identifying your target market.
2) Establishing your brand image.
3) Define your brand identity.
The three components need to be closely related so that customers will identify your brand with the same qualities across your platforms.
When we talk about consistency in branding, we’re saying that each product or service you offer needs to reflect the same qualities. For example, if you have a luxury hotel chain and you want your customers to associate that high-class feeling with your brand (and pay a higher price), then every time they stay at any of your hotels, they need to experience that feeling. If one of your hotels offers better service than another — even though they both fall into the luxury category — you’ve broken your brand’s consistency. You may be getting more customers in the door by offering different experiences across different properties.
While consistency is an essential requirement of any business, it’s surprising how many companies don’t pay attention to it. The importance of consistency as part of your branding should not be underestimated.
When you were a child, you probably remember being taught to keep your promises, being scolded for saying or doing something, and then changing your tune or mind. When applied to a business, a company needs to stick to its word regarding what they are offering its customers and how they present itself. If they’re advertising that they do something one way, they must ensure that the brand experience matches that promise.
Consistency is a cornerstone of branding, and building your brand is an ongoing process. When you are inconsistent, it becomes clear that you’ve neglected some of the details, damaging your reputation. It’s essential to consider the big picture and how to make all the pieces fit together and work well to present yourself in the best light.
When you’re consistent, people can recognize what to expect from your brand. If people know what to expect from you as a brand, they will likely stick with you over time. That’s because when people have a good experience with you, they feel comfortable coming back for more — and if they have a terrible experience with you once, they’ll be less likely to try again. With consistency, both good backgrounds and bad experiences are treated equally: no matter how someone feels after their interaction with your brand, they will end up considering it as part of their overall impression of your company or organization.
Consistency also makes it easier for people to find you when they need something specific.